It is easy to lose sight
of the broader picture and easy to overlook the fact that animal abuse and
domestic violence are closely related; we tend to disassociate the fact the
pets are close members of our families and often the most vulnerable.
Aggressive and cowardly acts to the most vulnerable individual of the family,
whether it is two legged or four legged, is a huge sign of power and control. Killing,
harming or threatening to harm beloved pets are weapons used by domestic
abusers to manipulate victims into silence. A startling survey revealed that
more than 70% of survivors stated that their abuser threatened, killed or
injured their pet out of revenge or control.
It is very common for a
victim of domestic violence to report that their beloved pet has been hurt or
killed by their abuser. Additionally, in many cases victims who are fleeing a
domestic violence relationship are forced to stay to protect their pets or must
choose between their own safety or their pet’s safety. In a recent study, 34%
of women surveyed had delayed leaving. Victims
describe being emotionally attached to their pets and the thought of leaving them
behind because they couldn’t care for them is unimaginable.
The Animal Welfare
Institute, an agency that focuses on advocating and fighting to change policy
to protect animals, in a recent study reported that pet abuse was identified as
one of the four significant predictors for Intimate Partner Violence. Moreover, the study found that batterers who
abuse pets used more forms of violence and demonstrated greater use of
controlling behaviors.
And then there are the
children. Children will register everything they see and hear and when they
witness their pets being hurt it is registered in their delicate brains. More shocking, the behaviors that our
children witness and learn from people who hurt pets is more likely to be expressed
through their behavior in school and as adolescents and adults. Children learn
that it is okay to take out their frustration on those more vulnerable,
including their pets.
It is important to
understand the relationship between animal abuse and domestic violence. Some people try to justify or undermine this
problem because the victim is only the animal.
However, it is important to consider that a person who hurts animals often
escalates to hurt people. And children who abuse animals can also escalate to
violence against people. Often this is a warning sign that something is going
on with the child and in the family dynamic.
Other behaviors include aggression and bullying.
No one deserves to be
treated badly or physically abused. This includes our pets. How can you
help? Talk to your children if they ever
hurt an animal or witness someone hurting an animal. Start by telling them that is not okay and
that there are healthy options to express complex feelings of depression,
anger, and anxiety. If you see others hurting their pets, or just animals in
general, you can report the matter to your local animal control or regional
animal services. You can also call
911. Likewise, you can help victims of
domestic/intimate partner violence by connecting them with agencies who can
provide them with safety and support. Your local domestic violence community
organization is Tahoe SAFE Alliance. Please
be mindful that by doing this, you can be saving a valuable life.